Lead Author
Poster Title
Aaron Bansemer
Observations of Melting-Layer Microphysical Processes in MC3E
Sara Callahan
Harold Washington College
Pollution Among the Peaks: A Preliminary Analysis of New Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) Measurements in Rocky Mountain National Park
SueEllen Campbell
Colorado State University
Michael Cheeseman, et al
Appalachian State University
Bryce Currey, et al
Loyola Marymount University
Lauren Deanes, et al
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Charlotte DeMott, et al
Colorado State University
Intraseasonal Variability in Coupled GCMs: The Roles of Ocean Feedbacks and Model Physics
Michael DiRosa, et al
Bard College
Renee Duff, et al
Millersville University
Chris Eldred, et al
Colorado State University
Franchesca Espinosa, et al
Florida International University
Jiwen Fan, et al
Andrea Jenney, et al
University of Miami
Brian Jones, et al
Colorado State University
Marcin Kurowski, et al
Yi-Chin Liu, et al
Peter Marinescu, et al
Colorado State University
A MC3E MCS Simulation and its Sensitivity to Aerosol
Brian Matilla, et al
Florida International University
Jessica Ng, et al
Scripps College
Andrew Ogle, et al
Colorado State University
Randy Russell
Rachel Severson, et al
Colorado College
Julia Shates, et al
University of California-Irvine
Carlie Trott, et al
Colorado State University
Felicity Wong, et al
Boulder Valley School District
Sungduk Yu
University of California - Irvine