CMMAP hosted our seventh annual CMMAP Student Colloquium in Fort Collins,
Colorado, July 31 - August 1, 2013. Additionally, a one-day tutorial workshop
on the Superparameterized Community Earth System Model (SP-CESM)
was held on August 2.
The two-day Colloquium included a Student Research Symposium and a
scientific outing in the mountains of Wyoming. During the Student
Research Symposium CMMAP interns and graduate students presented their research
as seen below. This was an activity for students to network and learn about
each others research and an opportunity to practice giving a talk for a national

Day 1: CMMAP Student Research Symposium held in the CMMAP Seminar room
- Sensitivity of a Simulated Deep Convective Storm to WRF Microphysical Schemes and Horizontal Resolution, Annareli Morales
- The Impact of One- and Two-Moment Microphysical Schemes on Precipitation in an Ordinary Thunderstorm, Emily Parker
- Life Cycle Assessment: A Tool for Making Informed Decisions (a Prezi presentation), Shannon Thomas and Emily Fish
- Simple Statistical Models of Thunderstorms, Justin Williams
- Dynamically motivating the definition of a sudden stratospheric warmings, Aaron Match
- Arctic Ice and Cloud Feedbacks in CMIP5 Models, Abigail Ahlert
- On the Uncertainty of the Atmospheric Response to Climate Change in Coupled Climate Models, Eliott Foust
- Surface Ozone and Climate Change, Katerina Gonzales
- Cloud Nucleating Activity of Non-Spherical Particles: Application of Wet CCN Measurement to Iodine Oxides, Madeline Camp
- The Effect of the Balcones Escarpment on Forecasting Major South Central Texas Rainfall Events, Alexandra Keclik
- Comparison of convective clouds over the continental United States from satellite observations and cloud-resolving atmospheric models, Brant Dodson
- Aerosol forcing in a hybrid SPCAM, Daniele Rosa
- Robustness and sensitivities of central U.S. summer convection in SP-CAM: Multi-model intercomparison with a new regional EOF index, Gabriel Kooperman
- Verification of precipitation estimates for the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF), Kate Sauter
- Tropical Cyclone Activity and its Effect on Global Averages of Total Precipitable Water, Albert Betancourt
- The Intertropical Convergence Zone in the Eastern Pacific, Alex Gonzalez
- Using Genetic Algorithms to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity, Brandon Scott
- Analysis of the origins of east Pacific Easterly Waves, Ernesto Findlay
- Tropical convection: What can explain the distribution of cloud top heights?, Ian Glenn
- Entrainment in Tropical Convection, Walter Hannah
Day 2: Scientific outing to the Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site
(GLEES), a research watershed in the Snowy Range of southeast Wyoming.
Photos from the GLEES field trip.
For questions regarding our CMMAP Student Colloquiums, please
Melissa Burt, CMMAP
Education and Diversty Manager, at
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