August 2006 Team Meeting Presentations

Tuesday August 15
David Randall Opening remarks, How did we get here?
David Randall Research overview
Scott Denning Education and Diversity overview
Wayne Schubert Knowledge Transfer overview
Cindy Carrick & Dave Randall Getting your money and other items of interest
Akio Arakawa Progress towards a Quasi-3D MMF
Working Group reports from day one (below)

Wednesday August 16
Wojciech Grabowski Cloud microphysics and climate: Progress and prospects
Masaki Satoh & Hiroaki Miura Design and testing of a global cloud-resolving model
Satoh presentation
Miura presentation
Bjorn Stevens Solving the cloud feedback problem
Howard Drossman Systematic approaches to Atmospheric Science education
Raj Pandya CMMAP and SOARS
Working Group reports from day two (below)

Thursday August 17
Bruce Wielicki Climate, MMFs, and satellite observations
Working Group reports from day three (below)
David Randall Wrap-up and plans for the next meeting

Working Group Reports