Workshop, July 2005 Presentations

Wednesday July 6
David Randall Cloud Modeling 2005: Count the Clouds
Hiroaki Miura A global cloud resolving simulation: Results of an aqua-planet experiment
OLR animation
Aqua planet animation
Wojciech Grabowski Further development of the super-parameterization concept
Jiun-Dar Chern Preliminary Results of the Goddard Multi-scale Modeling Framework
Wei-Kuo Tao Requirements of Cloud-Resolved Models (CRMs) in a MMF
Anning Cheng Boundary-layer Clouds in a Multi-scale Modeling Framework (MMF)
Zhiming Kuang A DARE approach for 3D cloud-resolving simulations of large-scale atmospheric circulation
dare 2d (avi) animation
Leo Donner From Mixing Ratios to Particle Sizes in CSRM Microphysics
Yogesh Sud Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interaction in the fvGCM -
Preliminary Results with the Nenes and Seinfeld Aerosol-Activation Scheme
Richard Somerville How and Why to Upgrade Cloud Microphysics in GCMs
Andy Heymsfield Improved Representations of Ice Particle Fallspeeds For Use in Global Scale Cloud Resolving Models
Peter Blossey Sensitivities of Cloud Resolving Model Simulations of KWAJEX
Thursday July 7
Akio Arakawa Further motivation, justification and technical design of the Quasi-3D multi-scale modeling framework
Joon-Hee Jung Preliminary Test of a Quasi-3D Advection Algorithm
Wayne Schubert The Inclusion of Entropy Transport by Precipitation and its Effect on Tropical Weather Systems
Tom Ackerman A Comparison of ARM Observations with the MMF and CAM
Arthur Hou Improving CRM Physics Within the Data Assimilation Framework
Mitch Moncrieff Fine-scale Simulation of Summertime Convection over the U.S. Continent & Evaluation against NEXRAD data
3kmex (avi) animation
Kentaroh Suzuki Characteristics of water cloud optical properties as simulated by non-hydrostatic spectral microphysics cloud model
Stephen Nesbitt Storm Morphology and Rainfall Characteristics of TRMM Precipitation Features
Chris Kummerow Observations or clouds and precipitation: Towards an understanding of regime dependent physics
Steve Krueger Multi-Scale Modeling of Fine-Scale Structure in Cumulus Clouds
Alan Kerstein Sub-Structure Modeling for Semi-Super-Parameterization
Rod Schmidt 3-D Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow based on One-Dimensional Turbulence Modeling
Friday July 8
Marat Khairoutdinov Analysis of high-resolution simulations of shallow-to-deep convection transition: Implications for parameterization of convection
Joon-Hee Jung A new 3D cloud model based on the vector vorticity equation
Phil Austin Equilibrium large eddy simulations of boundary layer clouds: motivation plus and example
Joseph Klemp Convection-Resolving Forecasting with the WRF Model
Kuan-Man Xu Analysis of Boundary-layer Cloud Properties for the GCSS Pacific Cross-Section and Climate Process Team
Dave Randall Cloud Modeling 2005: Count the Clouds (Wrap-Up)