July 2008 Team Meeting Presentations

Tuesday July 29 Porting and packaging CMMAP Education & Outreach, sticky notes from the breakout
David Randall, Jay Fein, Cindy Carrick Opening remarks/Agenda/Logistics/Updates
Marat Khairoutdinov Giga-LES
Rajul Pandya Diversity in Atmospheric Sciences
Wayne Schubert, Rodger Ames Introducing JAMES
Scott Denning, et al.
Glenn Shutts
Breakout Session I
David Randall The CMMAP Modeling Landscape

Wednesday July 30
William Rossow Testing the realism of the MMF (or any other GCM)
Representation of the MJO
Cindy Carrick A year in the life of CMMAP
Breakout Session II
Breakout Session III
SueEllen Campbell, John Calderazzo & other CSU Faculty Changing Climates and Focus the Nation
Mike Toy, Kate Musgrave & others What is an atmospheric model? Toy, Musgrave
William Skamarock

Thursday July 31
Connie Uliasz Ethics case study and Discussion
Breakout Session IV
Reports from Break-outs:
David Randall Wrap-up