David Randall, Jay Fein, Cindy Carrick |
Opening remarks/Agenda/Logistics, (1MB) |
David Randall |
Updates, (1MB) |
Jim Benedict, Kate Thayer-Calder |
What the heck is an MJO?, (9MB) |
Silvia Canetto |
Gender Equity in the Sciences, (9MB) |
Dave Randall |
Research Plan and Discussion, (15MB) |
Akio Arakawa, Joon-Hee Jung, Celal Konor |
Quasi-3D MMF and Global CRM, (8MB) |
Connie Uliasz |
Ethics Activity and
Discussion, (<1MB) |
Breakout Session I |
Marat Khairoutdinov |
Prototype MMF: Recent Results, (11MB) |
Stephen Lord |
An Overview of Tropical Prediction with
NCEP's Global Weather & Climate Forecast Systems, (12MB) |
Scott Denning, Christine Aguilar |
Summary of Progress in Education & Diversity,
(9MB) |
Breakout Session II |
Cindy Carrick |
Budget, Publications, and Other Exciting Topics,
(1MB) |
Wayne Schubert, et al |
Knowledge Transfer to Climate Modeling & NWP Centers |
John Helly, karen Schuchardt |
CyberInfrastructure Activities, (2MB) |
Breakout Session III |
- Low-cloud Feedbacks - Stevens, Bretherton
- Characterizing climate (& cloud)
response across aquaplanets: A progress report, Medeiros, Wyant, (2MB)
- Examining the GCSS Boundary-layer
Cloud Cases in Context of CMMAP Modeling Strategy - Cheng, (1MB)
- Relationships Between Boundary-layer
Cloud Property Pairs - Eitzen, (1MB)
- Low clouds in NICAM - Satoh, Noda,
- Understanding Tropical Low-Cloud Feedbacks
In SP-CAM - Wyant, (1MB)
- CMMAP Low-Cloud Breakout
Session, Medeiros, Wyant, (1MB)
- Journal and Book - Schubert, Ames
- Increasing the Diversity of Climate
Scientists - Denning, Aquilar (<1MB)
Martin Miller |
What's new at ECMWF that is relevant to CMMAP,
(8MB) |