August 2010 Team Meeting Presentations

Tuesday August 3
David Randall Opening remarks/Agenda/Logistics/Updates
Jim Hurrell The Community Earth System Model (CESM): Update on Releases and CMIP-5 Simulations
Howard Drossman Assessment of a Constructivist-Motivated Mentoring Program to Enhance the Teaching Skills of Atmospheric Science Graduate Students
Hugh Morrison MMF tests with two-moment microphysics
Marat Khairoutdinov The effects of anthropogenic aerosols as simulated by the SP-CAM with two-moment microphysics
Breakout Session I
Charlotte DeMott Simulations of the Asian Monsoon
Raj Pandya Ethics Discussion
Scott Denning Visiting the Dark Side presentation
War - Delingpole movie
Lack of faith movie
Scott's talk movie

Wednesday August 4
Akio Arakawa Toward unification of multiscale modeling of the atmosphere
Breakout Session II
Chin-Hoh Moeng How do we handle the small stuff?
Tak Yamaguchi Tracking parcels that are entrained across cloud tops
Breakout Session III
Mary Ontiveros A presentation on Colorado State University's Alliance Schools project

Thursday August 5
Michelle Betsill & Linse Anderson Navigating the Frontier: CMMAP Scientists and the Science-Policy Interface
Breakout Session IV
Reports from Break-outs:
David Randall Wrap-up