CMMAP Meeting Hawaii Feb. 2007 - Presentation Links
- Advertise posters at poster session
- Explicitly invite scientists (who are interested!) to be involved in Educataion & Outreach activities
- Windows to the Universe (W2U) site (levels | Spanish/English)
- Virtual Labs & Microworlds (interactive simulations formerly called 'SEE-ME')
- Invite scientists to be involved: review materials & provide input on microworlds to aid development
- Water cycle
- Evaporation rate (local | web)
- How do raindrops form? (local | web)
- Balloon explores atmosphere layers (local | web)
- Paleoclimate/Dendrochronology from online course [Build a tree (local | web) & Align tree ring cores (local | web)]
- Postcards from the Field
- Examples (Local screenshots: Menu page | Penguins | MILAGRO Balloon launch | MILAGRO Visualization)
- Scientist's biographies (they are real people!) [local | web]
- Intructions for developers (local)
- Interface for developers (local screenshot)
- Postcards training - at this meeting, later via phone (takes 30 min to an hour at most)
- Education resource database
- Demo our proposed interface
- Data entry (local | web)
- Search (local | web)
- Show CISM example media that could be better suited to education
- too busy - remove magentic field lines (screenshot)
- poorly labeled - size scale of axes, color scale (varies, units), Earth
- Windows to the Universe web development progress
- Our outline of proposed content topics (Word | local | web)
- Our (partial) list of existing materials (local | web)
- CMMAP portal page on W2U (local | web) [W2U home page | local screenshot]
- MILAGRO example
- Portal/menu page (local | web)
- Content page (local | web)
- W2U background content (local | web)
- W2U usage stats
- W2U site usage stats (graph)
- >133 million page views in 2006 (~364 thousand per day)
- ~16 million annual user sessions (~44 thousand per day)
- ~14 million visitors (unique IP addresses)