January 2009 Team Meeting Presentations

Tuesday January 6
David Randall, Jay Fein, Cindy Carrick Opening remarks/Agenda/Logistics, (3MB)
David Randall Updates (see file, above)
Charlotte DeMott Implied Ocean Heat Transports in the MMF, (9MB)
James Kinter Testing the MMF in a coupled climate simulation, (9MB)
Chris Bretherton Boundary-Layer Cloud Feedbacks on Climate - An MMF Perspective, (9MB)
Howard Drossman Undergraduate Earth System Science Education, (2MB)
Michele Betsill Climate Change Policy and Politics: A Status Report, (1MB)
Breakout Session I
Connie Uliasz Information and its Relationship to Power, (< 1MB)

Wednesday January 7
Andy Majda Non-linear models for convective momentum transport in the MJO and new algorithms for superparameterization models on mesoscales, (6MB)
Breakout Session II
Breakout Session III
Anna Harper, Ian Baker The Land Surface: Recent Research and Applications to MMF, (8MB)
Bjorn Stevens Adventures with ECHAM, (3MB)
Hirofumi Tomita Recent progress and activity of global cloud resolving simulation by NICAM, (15MB)
Gavin Schmidt Picturing the Science of Climate Change A Public Lecture in the Courant Institute Auditorium, (MB)

Thursday January 8
Augustin Vintzileos Importance of Atmospheric and Oceanic Initial conditions in forecasting the MJO with the NCEP-CFS, (6MB)
Cindy Carrick CMMAP Annual Reporting, (< 1MB)
Breakout Session IV
  • Planning Meeting: Graduate Student Summer Colloquium - Burt

  • CyberInfrastructure working group - Helly
Reports from Break-outs: