January 2008 Team Meeting Presentations

Tuesday January 15
David Randall, Jay Fein, Cindy Carrick Opening remarks/Agenda/Logistics, (3MB)
David Randall Updates (see PDF above)
Tak Yamaguchi, Anna Harper, Rachel McCrary What the Heck Are Cloud Feedbacks?, (6MB)
Rajul Pandya Science in Service of Society:
Realizing the Promise of Climate Research
, (32MB)
Cindy Carrick Reporting -- Your Favorite CMMAP Task, (2MB)
Scott Denning, Christine Aquilar Summary of Progress in Education and Diversity , (2MB)
Bill Collins CAM Diagnostics for the Super CAM, (4MB)
Bjorn Stevens Microphysical Issues in the Representation
of Shallow Cumulus Convection
, (4MB)
Breakout Session I
V. Ramanathan Global Dimming & Anomalous Solar Absorption:
New Studies with Unmanned Aircraft Systems
, (97MB)

Wednesday Januaary 16
Kelley Wittmeyer CMMAP Website Discussion
Breakout Session II
Wayne Schubert et al. Summary of Progress in Knowledge Transfer
Breakout Session III
John Helly, Karen Schuchardt CyberInfrastructure Issues, (6MB)
A tsunami of data, (4MB)
Richard Somerville The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
and the Challenges of Climate Policy, Equity & Ethics
, (20MB)

Podcast of Richard's talk

Thursday January 17
Connie Uliasz Ethics Discussion
Breakout Session IV
  • K-12 Education and outreach to the public
    and policymakers - Denning, Aguilar
  • CyberInfrastructure working group - Helly
Reports from Break-outs:
David Randall Closing