January 2015 Team Meeting Presentations

Tuesday January 13
David Randall Opening remarks and updates
Ralph Keeling Atmospheric signatures of changing global biogeochemistry
Rick Salmon Wave Vortex Dynamics
David Randall Dynamical Frameworks - Part 1
Chris Bretherton & Charlotte DeMott Coupled Models & Climate Change
Clouds & Climate

Wednesday January 14
David Randall led a Discussion: Looking ahead plenary: The last 18 months of CMMAP
Chin-Hoh Moeng Physical Processes
David Randall Dynamical Frameworks - Part 2
Scott Denning Multiscale Land Surface

Thursday January 15
Robert Pincus Radiative Forcing talk
Melissa Burt Teen Science Cafés
Shang-Ping Xie Reducing uncertainty of regional climate projections: New challenge for ocean-atmospheric dynamics