August 2014 Team Meeting Presentations
Tuesday August 5
David Randall
Opening remarks and Updates
Elizabeth Barnes
Rossby Wave-breaking and Moisture Transport into the Arctic
Scott Denning et. al.
Ethics Discussion
Aaron Piña
Transport of Nitrogen from Eastern Colorado into the Rocky Mountains via Upslope Winds
Harm Jonker
Large-eddy Simulations on the Scale of a Small Country Using Acceleration by Coupled and Uncoupled GPUs
Breakout Session I
Dynamical Frameworks - Randall, Konor
Super-Parameterized UZIM, (SUZI) - an update
, Don Dazlich
Development of a Q3D MMF
, Joon-Hee Jung
Atmospheric Dynamical Cores
, Celal Konor
An update on model development
, Ross Heikes
Next steps
, Dave Randall
Physical Processes - Moeng, Morrison
Kilometer-grid cloud-resolving modeling of TWP-ICE
, Chin-Hoh Moeng
The MJO: Aggregated convection on a Beta plane
, Nathan Arnold
Chikira:Chikira -Sugiyama cumulus scheme in CAM5: Preliminary results
, Minoru Chikira
Sensitivity of the superparameterized Madden-Juilan Oscillation to extreme climate cooling on a uniform temperature aquaplanet, Mike Pritchard
Untangling dynamics-microphysics interactions in LES simulations of moist convection
, Wojciech Grabowski
Simulating an Evolving Cloud-topped Boundary Layer during a Cold-Air Outbreak over the North Atlantic with SHOC (Simplified Higher-Order Closure)
, Steve Krueger
Simulated diurnal cycle over idealized islands of various sizes and land cover
, Marat Khairoutdinov
An update on the TWPICE GigaLES
, Don Dazlich
Scott Denning & Melissa Burt
Eight years of Education and Diversity Achievements
Wednesday August 6
Dave Randall, et al
Discussion about 2014 NSF Site Review of CMMAP
Breakout Session II
Multiscale Land Surface - Denning, Baker
Distributed Land in the SP-CESM
, Mark Branson
MC3E and GigaLES - Issues to resolve
, Don Dazlich
Combined Breakout : Clouds and Climate - Bretherton, Blossey
Coupled Models & Climate Change - DeMott, Stan
Impact of climate change on the East Asian summer monsoon
, Yan Jin
IOD influences on the MJO in SPCAM
, Jim Benedict
The MJO with mini- and micro-CRM configurations, Mike Pritchard
Buoy measurements of Indian Ocean surface latent heat fluxes
, Emily Riley
Air-sea interaction diagnostics for the MJO
, Charlotte DeMott
Cloud Feedbacks in the Superparameterized Climate Model SP-CCSM4
, Peter Blossey
Sub-daily temperature and precipitation extremes in T85 SP-CAM simulations for present and RCP8.5 SSTs
, Marat Khairoutdinov
Steve Ghan
Multiscale Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
Brian Mapes
Humidity, Convection, and the Asian Monsoon System
Abhilash S.
Extended-range Forecasting at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Brian Mapes
Hands-on show'n'train on Using the Integrated Data Viewer
Reports from Break-outs: